Singapore businesses have to be agile and adaptable, and they need to manage risks they may not have faced in their home market.
SCMP: Singapore is Leveraging its Legacy Ties with China’s Greater Bay Area
SCMP: Singapore is Leveraging its Legacy Ties with China’s Greater Bay Area 150 150 Hauzen LLP Hwang is quoted in this SCMP article about Singapore’s historical ties with the Greater Bay Area, and how Singapore companies might be able to leverage their these relationships. Mr. Hwang is the Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.
From the article:
“Close ties with the GBA region are historical,” says Basil Hwang, vice-chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong). “And today, Asean is China’s largest trading partner, with Singapore, as a leading trade and financial centre, having a key role to play in that relationship.”
“Singapore businesses have to be agile and adaptable, and they need to manage risks they may not have faced in their home market,” he says. “They have gotten better at doing so over the years and, as the partnerships grow, there is no doubt that they will become very adept at doing business successfully in the GBA.”
Read the article here.